Hair Aesthetics

Healthy and lush hair is everyone’s dream. However, many people face the problem of hair loss due to genetics, aging or health problems. To solve this problem, Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center provides services with the latest technology and current applications. In this article, we will focus on Sapphire Fue Hair Transplantation technology, a groundbreaking method offered by Estereizend.

It is very important to have knowledge in order to make the right decisions during the hair transplant process. Therefore, read the rest of our article to get detailed information about Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation and to get one step closer to the process of achieving your dream hair with this technology.

Remember, your hair determines who you are and how you feel, so it’s important to protect and care for them in the best way possible. Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center is here to assist you in this process.

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What is Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

Although there are many techniques and treatment methods in the fight against hair loss, Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation is a method that has come to the fore in recent years and offers permanent solutions. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) means Follicular Unit Extraction in Turkish and it involves taking the hair follicles one by one and transferring them to the balding areas. However, Safir FUE takes the hair transplant process one step further by making this process more effective and sensitive.

Hair Transplant Process with Sapphire FUE Technology

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation takes its name from the special sapphire-tipped micro needles used. These needles are used for removing and transplanting hair follicles. High quality sapphire tips provide maximum accuracy while minimizing tissue damage. In this way, the hair transplantation process is performed with less pain and faster recovery time.

In the first step, hair follicles are usually taken from the nape area. Since this area is less exposed to the effect of the DHT hormone than other hairy areas, it is a region where hair follicles are healthier. Later, these follicles are transplanted to balding areas. During transplantation, hair follicles are planted at the right angle and at the right depth, thanks to sapphire-tipped needles.

The Importance of Sapphire Tips

So, why are sapphire tips so important? Sapphire is one of the hardest and most durable materials found in nature. Sapphire tips allow less damage and faster healing than traditional steel needles, while opening the small channels required for planting hair follicles. This ensures that the process is more comfortable and the result is more natural and permanent.

In this way, Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation offers a permanent and effective solution to hair loss. This process is carried out by the experienced and expert team of Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center.

So, what are the differences between Sapphire FUE and classical FUE?

In the following section, we will compare these two methods and examine their differences and why Sapphire FUE is more advantageous.


Differences Between Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation and Classic FUE

All hair transplant techniques aim to solve the person’s hair loss problem. But each technology achieves this goal in different ways. While making the comparison between Classical FUE and Sapphire FUE, it is useful to see what kind of differences these two methods offer in terms of process, results and recovery.


Healing Process

Perhaps the most obvious advantage of Sapphire FUE occurs during the healing process. While steel tips are used in classical FUE, sapphire tips are used in Sapphire FUE. Sapphire is a natural stone, minimizing the skin’s reaction and providing faster healing. In this way, the recovery time after transplantation with Sapphire FUE is generally faster compared to classical FUE.



Sapphire FUE also makes a difference in hair transplant results. The sharpness and precision of the sapphire tips allows for more accurate planting of hair follicles. This means more natural looking results. When the hair is planted at the right angle and depth to the scalp, it ensures the continuity of your natural hairline and makes the hair look denser and healthier.


Wound and Scar Formation

Sapphire FUE causes less scar and scar formation compared to classical FUE. Sapphire tips create less trauma and open smaller channels compared to steel tips. This encourages less scarring and scarring. In addition, crusting and redness after hair transplantation is less when sapphire tips are used.

These features clearly show why Sapphire FUE is superior to classical FUE in the field of hair transplantation. Sapphire FUE is the most advanced hair transplantation method applied by Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center. Now we will focus on the implementation of this method and why it may be the best option for you.

Sapphire FUE Application of Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center

The quality and expertise of the center where these techniques are applied are as important as the technique to be preferred in hair transplantation. Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, as a center that has proven itself in hair transplantation, uses Safir FUE technology in the most effective way.

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Expert Team and Hygienic Environment

Estereizend is managed by a team of experts in their field. The team performs meticulous work at every stage of the hair transplant process and responds to the individual needs of each patient. Hygiene conditions during the planting process are among the priorities of Estereizend. All processes are performed in a sterile environment and to the highest standards.

Personalized Treatment Approach

Estereizend adopts a personalized approach, being aware of the fact that each patient’s hair loss situation and needs are different. First, the patient’s hair condition, shedding rate and general health status are examined. Then, based on this information, the most appropriate hair transplant plan is created. Sapphire FUE technology plays an active role in the implementation of this personalized plan.

Hair transplantation is not only an aesthetic procedure, but also an application that increases the self-confidence and quality of life of the person. Estereizend Sapphire helps you achieve this goal with FUE Hair Transplantation. So, what kind of results can you expect with this technology? Let’s move forward and explore the results Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant offers.

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Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Results

In the process of hair transplantation, of course, every patient expects impressive results. Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation aims to meet this expectation thanks to the features of its technology and the application skill of Estereizend. Here are the expected results with Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation:

Success Stories Obtained with Sapphire FUE

Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center has proven the success of Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation for many patients. Patients who have had hair transplantation before have been very satisfied with Sapphire FUE technology due to more natural-looking hair and faster healing process.

Expected Results and Realistic Expectations

Although Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation offers impressive results, it is important for each patient to have realistic expectations. The results of hair transplantation depend on many factors such as the patient’s hair loss status, general health and lifestyle. However, in general, it is possible to obtain denser, natural and healthy looking hair with Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation.

There are some important points that those who will undergo Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation process should pay attention to before and after the process. Care before and after hair transplantation has a great impact on the permanence and quality of the results. Now, let’s get more detailed information about the preparation and after the hair transplant process.

Sapphire FUE Before and After Hair Transplantation Care

Hair transplantation, as with any aesthetic procedure, gives more effective and permanent results with the right care and follow-up. There are some important points to be considered before and after Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation.

Sapphire FUE Preparation Before Hair Transplantation

The preparation process before Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation promotes a healthy lifestyle in general. Restricting the use of alcohol, cigarettes and some drugs are among the factors affecting the pre- and post-planting process. In addition, it may be necessary not to wash the hair or use certain products for a certain period of time before planting. All these details are conveyed to the patient in detail by the expert team of Estereizend.

Sapphire FUE Post-Hair Transplantation Care

Post-hair transplant care is critical for the success and permanence of the transplant. After sowing, it may be necessary to keep the planting area clean and hygienic, protect it from direct sunlight and avoid certain physical activities for a certain period of time. In addition, the use of special shampoo and care products given after transplantation encourages healthy hair growth and rapid healing of the transplantation area.

Before and after care processes are an integral part of the hair transplant process and guarantee the effective results of Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation. As Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we are here to guide you at every step and ensure the successful completion of the process. We wish everyone success in their journey to achieve fuller and healthier hair.

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Healing Process and Tips

The recovery process after hair transplantation is an extremely important stage for the success and permanence of hair transplantation. Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation makes the healing process faster and more comfortable compared to other techniques, but providing the right care is still of vital importance.

Healing Process

The healing process after Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation usually takes 7-10 days. During this period, crusting and slight redness may be seen in the transplanted area. After the healing process is completed, the newly transplanted hair starts to fall out within 2-3 weeks, which is a natural part of the transplanting process. After about 3 months, new hair starts to grow and this process usually takes about a year.

Things to Consider in the Recovery Process

During the healing process, it is important to take care of the planted area.

Here are some tips:

  • Avoid putting pressure on your head: During the first few days, it is important to prevent objects such as pillows from putting pressure on the planting area.
  • Wash your hair gently: During the first few days, gently wash the planting area. Instead of rubbing your scalp, gently massage using your fingertips.
  • Limit alcohol and smoking: Alcohol and smoking impair blood flow and inhibit hair healing and growth.
  • Proper nutrition: Follow a balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals essential for healthy hair growth.
  • Avoid physical activity: Excessive sweating during the healing process can damage hair follicles, so avoid heavy exercises and activities.
  • Protect your hair: Avoid direct sunlight and very cold temperatures for the first few weeks.

Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center guides you through every step of the healing process and provides you with healthy and permanent results. Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant accelerates the healing process and offers less pain and discomfort, so you can return to your normal life faster and more comfortably.

Experience the Change in Your Hair with Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center

As a result, Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation is a modern technology that aims to do the right thing for each hair strand. Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center applies this technology effectively. However, embarking on a hair transplant process with us does not mean only having the privilege of using the latest technology. At Estereizend, we offer you more.

When you trust us, you can be sure that you will receive the best care. Our expert team is at your side every step of the way to make the hair transplant process as comfortable and successful as possible for you. We prepare a personalized treatment plan based on your needs and expectations, and we communicate openly and honestly with you at every stage of the process.

The privilege of working with us means cooperating with one of the most reliable and respected aesthetic and hair transplant centers in Turkey. Estereizend has made a commitment to providing a high standard of service and has always fulfilled this commitment.

Hair transplantation can make you look younger and more energetic. However, when done in the right center and with the right technology, this can actually be possible. Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation and Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center offer a strong partnership that will transform your hair.

Let us be part of your story and let us offer you the best results in hair transplant. Contact us now to contact Estereizend and take the first step to continue your life stronger with your new hair!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation technique suitable for?

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation technique is generally ideal for individuals experiencing male pattern baldness, ie androgenetic alopecia. However, hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, such as genetic, hormonal, age-related, post-traumatic, or other medical conditions. Therefore, an individual assessment is required to determine which method is appropriate.

Sapphire FUE method takes the hair from the denser back and sides of the head (donor area) and transfers it to the areas where the hair is thinning or falling out (recipient area). Therefore, in order to apply the Sapphire FUE method, there must be sufficient healthy hair follicles in the donor area.

Sapphire FUE can be applied in case of hair loss in women and men. It can also be used in other areas such as beard or eyebrow transplantation. However, each individual’s situation is unique and requires a personalized approach to achieve the best results.

Especially at the Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, a comprehensive evaluation is carried out to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for each patient. This assessment includes the patient’s general health, the cause and extent of hair loss, the quality of the donor hair, and the patient’s personal goals. In this way, it is possible to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for each patient’s unique needs and goals.

How does the consultation take place before Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

Consultation before Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation is one of the most important stages of the treatment process. This is an opportunity to understand the cause and extent of the patient’s hair loss, determine the patient’s expectations and goals, discuss appropriate treatment options, and determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

Our specialists at the Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center evaluate the patient’s condition in detail during this consultation. This evaluation includes information such as general health status, history of hair loss, family history of hair loss, previous hair transplant experiences and medications used.

A hair analysis is then performed to examine the donor and recipient areas to determine the level of hair loss and to discuss treatment options. At this stage, the patient’s hair quality and density, the condition of the hair follicles and the amount of hair follicles in the donor area are also evaluated.

The patient’s expectations and goals are also evaluated during this consultation process. This ensures that the treatment results are in line with the patient’s expectations.

Finally; During the consultation, patients are given full information about the details of the Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant procedure, expected results, healing process and possible risks. The aim of Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center is to provide their patients with the opportunity to make a fully informed decision.

Is pain felt during Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so patients usually do not feel any pain or pain during the operation. Anesthesia is applied to the areas to be transplanted and the hair follicles will be taken, which provides comfort throughout the process.

However, after the effect of the anesthetic wears off, some patients may experience mild discomfort. This is usually temporary and subsides within a few days. Pain can be easily managed with pain relievers, which are usually prescribed.

Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center considers the comfort and safety of patients as its priority. All kinds of pain and discomfort are minimized during and after sowing. Our team is with the patients at every stage of the recovery process and helps them quickly and effectively in case of any problems.

Remember, each person’s pain threshold and healing process is slightly different. Some people may experience mild discomfort, while others may not experience any discomfort at all. For this reason, it is important to talk to your doctor about these issues before the operation so that you understand what to expect after hair transplantation.

How long does the Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant procedure take?

The duration of the Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation procedure depends on the amount of hair follicles to be transplanted and the general condition of the patient’s hair loss. Generally, a session takes about 6-8 hours, but this time may vary depending on the number of hair follicles to be transplanted and the complexity of the procedure.

First, hair follicles are taken from the donor area. Then, these hair follicles are transplanted to areas with hair loss. Planting each hair follicle at the right angle and direction is vital to obtain a natural and aesthetic result. It is the most careful and time-consuming part of the process.

Our experts at Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center ensure that each hair follicle is carefully and accurately transplanted. This may prolong the treatment process a bit, but the results are definitely worth it. Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation provides intense and natural-looking results that adapt to the natural growth pattern of the hair.

Taking into account the comfort of the patients, a break can be taken during the procedure if there is a need for a break. Making patients feel comfortable and safe at every step is our top priority.

When can I return to work after Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

Since Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation is a minimal resting procedure, the recovery process is usually fast and most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days. Of course, full recovery and complete settling of the hair may take several weeks.

As Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we generally recommend our patients to rest for a few days after the operation and keep their heads as straight as possible. This supports the healing process of newly transplanted hair follicles and helps to achieve the best results.

Although many of our patients return to work within a few days, the healing process can vary from person to person. Some factors affecting this process may be general health status, age, hair loss condition and the amount of transplanted hair follicles.

Throughout the healing process, our team will be with our patients every step of the way and provide support in case of any problems or concerns. At Estereizend, the comfort and satisfaction of our patients is our top priority.

What side effects should I expect after Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

After the Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant procedure, most patients experience minimal side effects. These side effects are usually temporary and subside quickly with proper care and follow-up. The most common post-procedure side effects include mild pain, swelling, redness, and crusting in the donor area as well as the transplanted area.

Mild pain and discomfort can be relieved with pain relievers, which are usually prescribed. There may be a slight swelling or edema in the transplanted areas, but this usually subsides within a few days.

In addition, crusting may occur around the newly transplanted hair follicles. These crusts usually fall off within a few days, and this process can be managed with the right hair care.

As Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplant, we give our patients detailed instructions on post-hair transplant care. These instructions cover important topics such as how to wash the hair and when to use hair products. In addition, our team supports our patients in case of any side effects or concerns.

Remember, each person’s recovery process is a little different, and some people recover faster, while others may take more time. This usually depends on the general health condition, age and characteristics of the hair transplant procedure. Therefore, it is important to discuss these issues with your doctor before the operation so that you understand how the healing process will progress.

How much hair can be transplanted with Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

The number of hair follicles that can be transplanted with Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation depends on a number of factors.

  1. First, the condition of your donor area, usually the back and sides of your head, is very important. The hair density in this area and the health of the hair follicles determine the number of hair follicles that can be transplanted. Generally, thousands of hair follicles can be transplanted during one session.
  2. Secondly, the general condition of your hair and the degree of hair loss also affect the number of hair follicles that can be transplanted. Areas with intense hair loss may require more hair follicles, which requires more hair follicles to be removed from the donor area.
  3. Third, the person’s general health and age can also affect the success of the hair transplant procedure and the number of hair follicles that can be transplanted.

At Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we evaluate the condition of each patient in detail. This assessment includes the level of hair loss, the condition of the donor area, and the general health of the patient. This assessment helps us determine the most suitable hair transplant plan for each patient’s needs and situation. In this way, we ensure that every patient achieves the best results and is satisfied with the hair transplant process.

Where are the hair follicles used in Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation taken from?

In Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation, hair follicles are usually taken from the back and sides of the head, that is, from the donor area. These areas contain hair follicles that are genetically resistant to hair loss and are therefore considered the ideal source for hair transplantation.

These areas are generally not affected by male pattern hair loss because these hair follicles have a natural resistance to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone is the main cause of male pattern hair loss. Therefore, it is expected that the hair follicles taken from the area will grow in a long-lasting and healthy way in the new regions where they are planted.

Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center uses the highest standards and latest techniques when removing hair follicles. This ensures that each hair follicle is carefully and undamaged, providing maximum vitality and growth potential during the transplant process. During transplantation, we take care to plant the hair follicles in accordance with the natural hair growth pattern and direction. Thus, we aim to achieve a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.

How should hair care be after Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

Appropriate hair care after Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation affects the healthy growth of newly transplanted hair follicles and the overall success of hair transplantation. Here are some basic maintenance recommendations that should be applied in this process:

  1. First Few Days: The first few days after hair transplantation is the process of getting used to and healing the transplanted hair follicles. During this period, you should not touch your hair too much and take care not to apply pressure to your head while sleeping. In addition, you should not wash your transplanted hair during this period.
  2. Washing: The first wash is usually done in our clinic within 2-3 days after hair transplantation. You should do your first wash at home, usually 4-5 days after hair transplantation. When washing your hair, you will usually need to use a special shampoo recommended by your doctor.
  3. Activity Limitations: Extreme physical activities should be avoided in the first few weeks after hair transplantation. This includes activities such as sports and heavy lifting. In addition, places such as saunas and swimming pools should be avoided.
  4. Sun Protection: For a few months after hair transplantation, it is important to protect your hair from direct sunlight. Sunlight can damage newly planted hair follicles.
  5. Doctor’s Recommendations: After hair transplantation, your doctor usually recommends a certain care routine and product use. This is important to ensure that your hair grows healthily and that the hair transplant results are optimal.

At Estereizend, we provide each of our patients with detailed instructions on post-hair transplant care. These instructions include topics such as how to wash your hair, what hair care products to use, and how to care for your hair. Also, our team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns.

Will I experience hair loss after Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

After Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant, some of the transplanted hair may experience a temporary shedding process. This condition is often referred to as “shock shedding” or “effluvium” and begins approximately 2-3 weeks after planting. This shedding is part of the process of adapting the hair follicles in the transplant area to their new environment and is generally not a cause for concern.

After shock loss, hair follicles usually start to produce new hair within 3-4 months. These new hairs may be thin and soft at first, but over time they reach normal thickness and stiffness.

Understanding and waiting for this situation is important in the post-hair transplant process. At Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we explain every step of the post-hair transplant process to our patients and answer all their questions. This helps them understand how the process works and what to expect.

Apart from shock loss, doing the right care after hair transplantation and following your doctor’s recommendations will ensure that your hair grows in the best way and that the results of hair transplantation are optimal.

Are the results obtained with Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant permanent?

Yes, the results obtained with Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation are usually permanent. It depends on how the Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant procedure works and where the hair follicles are taken from.

In Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation, hair follicles are usually taken from the back and sides of the head. These areas contain hair follicles that are genetically resistant to hair loss, so the hair follicles taken from this area are usually permanent in the new areas where they are transplanted.

However, an important point to remember is that hair transplantation does not cure the cause of hair loss.

In other words, if there is a genetic predisposition for hair loss, hair loss may continue in non-planted areas. It may mean that another hair transplant session may be needed in the future.

As Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we carefully evaluate the condition of each patient and determine the most appropriate hair transplantation plan to achieve the best results. We help our patients to maintain the results obtained by giving advice on post-hair transplant care and hair health.

Can hair transplantation be performed at any age with Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation technique?

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation technique is generally suitable for individuals in a wide age range. However, regardless of age, it is important to determine whether each individual is a suitable candidate for hair transplantation. Factors such as individual health status, the level of hair loss and the cause of hair loss play an important role in determining whether an individual is suitable for a hair transplant.

In young individuals, it should be taken into account that hair loss may not be fully developed yet. It increases the likelihood of additional hair loss in the future and therefore additional hair transplant sessions may be required. In older individuals where hair loss is stable, this is usually less of a problem.

The adequacy status of the donor site may also change with age. That is, the condition of the back and sides of the head that will be used to remove hair follicles changes with age and this may affect the success of hair transplantation.

At Estereizend, we conduct a comprehensive assessment for each patient. This evaluation process helps us determine whether each patient is suitable for hair transplantation and which techniques will yield the best results.

Can Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation technique be applied to women as well?

Yes, Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation technique is an effective hair transplant method for both men and women. Women often have a different pattern of hair loss than men, and this affects how the hair transplant procedure will be performed. Hair loss in women is usually in the form of general thinning and is not localized to a specific area, which means that hair transplantation may require a slightly different approach than men.

Sapphire FUE technique is very sensitive and effective for hair transplantation to thinned areas. At the same time, this technique leaves minimal scars, which is especially important for women, as most women do not cut their hair short so that the scars after transplantation can become more noticeable.

Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplant carefully evaluates each patient’s individual needs and goals. Experienced in the differences between hair transplants in men and women, our team offers each patient a personalized treatment plan to achieve the best results.

Can I dye my hair after Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

After Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation, you have to wait for a while to dye your hair. After hair transplantation, it is important to give your hair follicles and skin time to heal. This process usually takes a few weeks to a month. After the healing process is complete, you can dye your hair.

At Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we provide our patients with comprehensive instructions on post-hair transplant care. Understanding that you have to wait a certain amount of time before dyeing your hair can help you change the color of your hair without harming the healing process. After the healing process is complete, you are free to style and color your hair as you wish. However, we recommend that you consult your doctor before dyeing your hair to ensure it is always safe.

Can Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation technique be applied to areas such as beard and eyebrow transplantation?

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation technique does not only limit the head area for hair transplantation. In fact, this technique can also be applied for other regional hair transplant procedures such as beard transplant and eyebrow transplant. This is usually required to treat hair loss or thinning of hair follicles in certain areas.

The precision and accuracy of Sapphire FUE is ideal for such regional hair transplant procedures. Hair follicles can be transplanted into sensitive areas such as the beard or eyebrows and this has a great effect to achieve natural looking results. Of course, the donor area must have sufficient hair follicles and the general health condition must be suitable for hair transplantation.

At Estereizend, we carefully consider each patient’s individual needs and goals. This helps us determine which hair transplant techniques will yield the best results. If you are interested in a certain hair transplant service such as beard or eyebrow transplant, you can contact us to determine the most suitable solution for you.

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