Hair Aesthetics

Hair transplantation has become increasingly important with the advancing technology of the modern age. People who experience hair loss or hair loss resort to hair transplantation to achieve a younger and more energetic appearance. Here, as Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we have a professional team that has mastered the latest technologies and techniques in this field. Among our services, especially DHI hair transplantation techniques come to the fore.

DHI hair transplantation is a hair transplantation method that is widely used around the world and gives effective results. So, what is this DHI hair transplant? How does it work? And why should you choose this method? You can find the answers to these questions and more in our article in detail.

DHI hair transplantation technique offers many advantages. We follow these advantages and the hair transplantation process with you step by step from the beginning to the end of the process. We provide you with detailed information about hair care and healing process in the post-transplant period.


As Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we are proud to serve you with our long years of experience and successful results in DHI hair transplantation. So, who can benefit from this treatment method? Who are the ideal DHI hair transplant candidates? You can find the answers to these questions in our article.

You will have the opportunity to learn about our hair transplant service in general and our DHI hair transplant technique in particular. If you would like more information on this subject or to set up an appointment, you can use our contact information below. As Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we are here to serve you.

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What is DHI Hair Transplantation?

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation is considered the most advanced level of hair transplantation technology. This technique involves a process in which hair follicles are directly harvested and transplanted, so hair transplanted with this technique looks more natural and grows at a higher density.

DHI hair transplantation is different from other traditional hair transplantation techniques because in this method, hair follicles are transplanted directly into the skin with a special ‘DHI implanter’ tool. This technique prevents damage to hair follicles and speeds up the transplantation process. In addition, since the angle and direction of the hair can be controlled, the hair gains a more natural appearance.


What is DHI Hair Transplantation?

DHI hair transplantation brings many advantages. First, with this technique, the hair transplant process is faster and less painful. Secondly, DHI transplantation is performed without damaging the hair and the surrounding tissue, which accelerates the healing process. Third, a more natural and intense result is obtained as a result of hair transplantation.

In addition, DHI technology provides a higher sensitivity in the removal of hair follicles from the donor area and the placement of hair follicles in the transplantation area. Therefore DHI hair transplantation technology offers an ideal solution for hair loss and hair loss treatment in both men and women.

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation offers you more natural looking hair and a fast recovery process by using the latest technology in the field of hair transplantation. As Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we aim to provide you with the best service by using DHI hair transplantation technology.

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Advantages of DHI Hair Transplant Technique

The DHI hair transplant technique brings with it a number of advantages and benefits, making it a popular option for those looking for hair loss treatment.

  1. Natural Appearance: DHI technique allows hair follicles to be transplanted in accordance with the natural line and direction of the hair. This ultimately leads to a more natural look.
  2. Maximum Hair Density: It allows planting 40 to 60 hair follicles per square centimeter. This gives a more intense hair transplant result than other techniques.
  3. Faster Healing: Since the DHI technique is a minimal procedure, the healing process is faster than other hair transplantation techniques.
  4. Low Damage and Bleeding: Includes use of the special ‘DHI’ tool, which minimizes bleeding and damage.
  5. Canalless Transplantation: Compared to the traditional FUE technique, the DHI technique does not require canal opening. It allows hair transplantation even in damaged or scarred areas.
  6. Short-Term Process: The DHI technique is faster than other techniques, thanks to its ability to directly extract and transplant hair follicles.

Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center aims to offer you more natural looking hair and faster healing processes. DHI hair transplantation technique plays an important role in achieving these goals. We apply DHI hair transplant techniques to provide the best hair transplant services and ensure your satisfaction. We know that looking and feeling good is an important factor in improving your quality of life and we are committed to providing the best solutions for your needs.

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After DHI Hair Transplant

The period after Direct Hair Implantation hair transplantation hair transplantation is one of the most critical parts of the process and this period greatly affects the success of the result.

  • Healing Process: It is normal to have a slight tenderness and swelling in the hair transplant area for the first few days. This usually subsides and goes away completely within a few days. It usually takes one week to ten days for the transplant area to heal and return to its normal appearance.
  • Hair Care: You should not wash your hair and touch the transplant area for the first few days after transplantation. At our center, we provide you with a special shampoo and lotion and give you detailed information on how to use these products. When you start washing your hair, you should be gentle and avoid rubbing. In addition, you should avoid using heat-generating devices such as hair dryers for the first few weeks after hair transplantation.
  • Hair Growth: After hair transplantation, it usually takes 3-4 months for the hair to start growing. It usually takes 12-18 months to see full results. Hair growth may vary from person to person, it is important to be patient in this process.
  • Sports and Physical Activity: During the first few weeks after transplantation, you should avoid heavy physical activities and sports. You should not apply pressure to the planting area and take care not to sweat.

Estereizend provides you with a detailed guide about the post-Direct Hair Implantation hair transplantation hair transplant process and we are with you every step of the way. We are ready to answer all your questions and to assist you in any way you can during the post-planting period. During this time, we communicate with you regularly and closely monitor your recovery. The successful outcome of your hair transplant and your satisfaction is our top priority.

DHI Hair Transplantation Experience at Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center

Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center DHI offers you a superior service by using the latest technologies in the field of hair transplantation. Our expertise in this field, our experienced team and our superior service quality have earned us the status of being a leading center in DHI hair transplantation.

Our experts use the most advanced technologies and techniques to provide the highest standards of service. Our team has extensive experience in hair transplantation and takes a customized approach to achieve the best results for each patient. We develop a personalized treatment plan based on the needs and expectations of each of our patients.

We work with you at every stage of the treatment process, adopting an approach that prioritizes your health and safety. Our DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation practices enable our patients to have a natural and dense hair appearance, thus eliminating the lack of self-confidence caused by hair loss.

In addition to the hair transplantation experience, we also provide post-transplant care and support to our patients. We are here to understand the needs of our patients and make them feel comfortable at every stage of the transplantation process. In the post-transplant period, we provide our patients with detailed information about what they can expect during the healing process and answer any questions they may have.

At Estereizend Aesthetics and Hair Transplantation Center, we are committed to making the experience of each of our patients as comfortable and satisfying as possible. With our DHI transplantation experience, we aim to eliminate your concerns about hair loss and hair loss and increase your quality of life together with you. We are here to help you achieve healthy and natural looking hair.

Who are the Ideal Candidates for DHI Hair Transplantation

DHI hair transplantation is an effective treatment method designed to provide solutions to a wide range of hair loss conditions. However, like all treatments, DHI hair transplantation may not be suitable for everyone. Various factors are considered to identify ideal candidates.

Hair Loss Condition: DHI hair transplantation can be used to treat a variety of hair loss conditions, from early stage hair loss to advanced. However, an ideal candidate should have sufficient donor hair. This usually includes the hair on the nape and behind the ears.
General Health Status: Since DHI hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, an ideal candidate should be in good general health. It is recommended that people with chronic health conditions or certain conditions that may preclude surgery discuss this treatment option with their doctor.
Prospects: Hair transplantation can be effective in treating certain types of hair loss, but does not provide complete hair restoration in all cases. An ideal candidate should have realistic expectations. DHI hair transplantation cannot completely stop hair loss, but it can significantly improve the current situation.
Age: Although DHI transplantation can be applied to individuals in a wide age range, it is difficult to predict exactly how hair loss will develop in young individuals. Therefore, a more conservative approach is adopted in young candidates.

Estereizend creates a personalized treatment plan based on the individual needs and expectations of each of our patients. If you are considering a hair transplant, scheduling a consultation appointment with us is the first step towards identifying the best treatment options for you. We are always here with you to find the most suitable treatment method for you.

What is DHI Hair Transplantation? | How is DHI Hair Transplant done?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DHI hair transplantation called?

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation is a hair transplantation method in which hair follicles are transplanted directly to balding or sparse hair areas. This method is performed using a precision special pen, thus ensuring the most natural results.

Is DHI hair transplantation a painful procedure?

DHI hair transplantation is performed under local anesthesia, so you do not feel pain during the procedure. Mild discomfort may be felt after the procedure, but this can usually be controlled with mild pain relievers.

How long does it take to see results after DHI hair transplantation?

After hair transplantation, new hair usually starts to grow within 3-4 months. It can usually take 12 to 18 months to see full results.

Does DHI hair transplantation give permanent results?

Yes, DHI hair transplantation method usually gives permanent results. But it depends on the person’s general health, lifestyle, and the progression of hair loss.

Will my hair look natural after DHI hair transplantation?

Yes, DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation gives a natural result as the hair is placed according to the natural hair growth direction.

Am I suitable for DHI hair transplant?

To determine whether you are suitable for DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation, your general health status, hair loss status and expectations are taken into consideration. It is recommended that you discuss this issue in detail with a healthcare professional.

How long does the DHI hair transplant procedure take?

The duration of DHI hair transplantation depends on the number of hairs to be transplanted and the width of the area to be transplanted. An average session usually takes between 4-8 hours.

What kind of care is required after DHI hair transplantation?

Careful care after hair transplantation plays an important role in the success of the procedure. During the healing process, it is necessary to follow your doctor’s recommended care instructions.

When to return to normal activities after DHI hair transplantation?

After DHI hair transplantation, normal activities are usually returned within a few days. However, you may need your doctor’s approval to return to more intense physical activities.

Is DHI hair transplant procedure safe?

Yes, DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation is a very safe procedure when done correctly and performed by an experienced team. However, like all surgical procedures, there are certain risks and complications. Therefore, it is important to carefully follow your doctor’s instructions before and after the procedure.

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If you want to have the hair of your dreams, click here to make an appointment for DHI hair transplant!

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